The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of July 2014 replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. WIOA provides the opportunity for the public workforce system to change and improve life for job seekers and workers, through the American Job Center (AJC) system. The new WIOA will allow job seekers and their many, varied talents to connect with businesses in need of those talents.
WIOA will especially concentrate on aligning the workforce training with the skills needed for employment possibilities. Trained workers will be matched with employers in need of their skills. WIOA also promotes work-based training and has on-the-job training reimbursement rates up to 75%. It is also a goal for this training to provide the participant with a certificate or credentials that the job industry will accept as proof of a qualified worker. Both job seekers and employers will benefit from this coordinated effort that exhibits “supply” (job seekers) and “demand” (employers).
WIOA streamlines programs and improves services to job seekers and employers. It establishes a single State Unified Strategic Plan and a common performance accountability system for the core programs. WIOA also merges the WIA core and intensive services into a single new category of career services.
WIOA states that no “sequence of service” is required before enrollment in training and makes more comprehensive services readily available. This system is intended to make it easier for individuals to access the tools and get the training they need to manage their careers. The system is also intended to help companies find the skilled workers they need to manage, compete, and succeed in today’s business world.