West Virginia’s Largest Private Employers in March 2015

WorkForce West Virginia’s list of the 100 largest employers, compiled from March 2015 data, ranks retail giant Wal-Mart as the state’s largest private employer. Wal-Mart has maintained this position since 1998.


The list contains businesses with both single and multiple locations, and ranks companies according to the number of employees. The data are extracted from the Quarterly Contribution Report for the first quarter of each year, and are available to the public by the third quarter of each year.

West Virginia’s top five largest private employers are Wal-Mart, West Virginia United Health System, Charleston Area Medical Center, Kroger, and Mylan Pharmaceuticals. The ranking of the top five employers was unchanged from 2014.

Rounding out the top ten, Murray American Energy, St. Mary’s Medical Center, and Lowe’s Home Centers maintained their positions at numbers six, seven, and eight respectively, while Cabell Huntington Hospital entered the top ten at number nine, and Res-Care, Inc. remained at number ten.

The top ten employers of March 2015 had a total of 1,110 more employees than the top ten employers of 2014.

Nearly one-half of employers on the top 100 list climbed in rank, while slightly over one-third of businesses descended in rank. The ranking of 19 employers was unchanged from last year, while six employers not present on last year’s top 100 made an appearance on this year’s list.

This list was prepared from information provided by employers covered under the unemployment compensation insurance system, through the federal/state Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program conducted in West Virginia by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, and the Research, Information and Analysis Division of WorkForce West Virginia.

The lists for the state and counties for each year since 1999 and workforce investment areas since 2002 can be found on the website lmi.workforcewv.org or by contacting the Research, Information and Analysis Division at 304.558. 2660.

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FOR RELEASE: October 9, 2015
Contact: Courtney Sisk Johnson
courtney.s.johnson@wv.gov 304-957-9341