Unemployment Basics
What Are Unemployment Benefits?
Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits provide financial assistance to those who have lost their job or experienced a reduction in full-time work. These benefits help cover living expenses while you look for new employment. You can apply for benefits the day after your employment ends or your hours are significantly reduced. To qualify, you must have worked in a position covered by the West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Law. If you’re new to unemployment, refer to the West Virginia Claimant Handbook to learn about eligibility, benefit amounts, and the application process.
When applying for benefits, it’s important to provide accurate and truthful information. Fraudulent claims can result in fines, criminal prosecution, or other penalties. For more details, review Understanding UI Fraud.
How Do I Apply for Unemployment Benefits?
- Apply Online
- The quickest way to apply is online. Use this link to access the application: Unemployment Benefits Online Application.
- Visit a local office
- If you’re unable to apply online at home, you can visit the nearest local office. There, you’ll have access to computers and staff to help you file your claim.
- Call for Assistance
- If visiting a local office isn’t possible, call 1-800-252-JOBS (5627) for assistance. You will be guided through the process and given further instructions.
When applying you will need the following information:
Personal Information
- Social Security Number
- Home and mailing address
- Telephone number and valid email address
- Government issued photo identification
- Direct deposit bank information (bank name, account number, and routing number)
- If you are not a U.S. citizen or national: Alien Registration Card
- If you worked for the federal government in the past 18 months: Standard Form 8 & Standard Form 50
- If you were on active duty in the U.S. military during the past 18 months: DD Form 214, Member 4, or Service 8
Employer Information
- Employer’s name and mailing address
- Employer’s phone and fax number
- First and last day worked with the employer
- If filing during the last week of employment, report your gross earnings for that week
- Reason for leaving or reason for reduced hours
- If you are being recalled to this employer, provide the date of recall
- If you worked for a college, university, or school: your return date following a break and original terms of employment
- Pension or severance package information (if applicable)
- Other states you have worked in the past 18 months (if applicable)
How Do I Find Out if I Qualify for Unemployment?
Anyone who is unemployed may qualify for unemployment benefits while actively looking for new employment. To find out if you are eligible, you’ll need to complete the unemployment application and provide details about your work history and income. If you’re unsure whether you qualify, still apply. There are three main steps to determine if you’re eligible to receive benefits:
- Do you qualify for benefits?
To be eligible, you must have worked in West Virginia during the past 12 to 18 months and earned at least the minimum income required under the West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Law.
- Why are you no longer employed?
This step looks at the reason for your job loss. To qualify, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. This decision will be based on the information provided in your application and any information collected from your former employer.
- What steps should you follow to keep receiving benefits?
- You must be able to work full-time.
- You must be available for a full-time job.
- You must actively look for a full-time job.
- You must not turn down suitable job offers without a good reason.
- You must participate in Reemployment Services if selected.
To learn more, visit Maintaining My UI Eligibility and Avoiding Problems with Your UI Claim for more information.
After You Apply
After you have completed your initial application for benefits, you should immediately start looking for full-time work and submit your weekly certification as addressed below.
- Waiting Week
The waiting week is the first week you file a weekly certification and meet all eligibility requirements. Before you can start receiving benefits, West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Law requires one waiting week per claim. You will not receive payment for the week, but claiming the week is required to receive credit for it as a waiting week. - Monetary Determination
After you apply for benefits, you will receive a Monetary Determination notice. This notification is not an approval of benefits but tells you how much you could receive if you are approved. This document explains how many weeks you may receive unemployment. The maximum number of weeks you can draw unemployment in West Virginia is 26 weeks.
The information on the Monetary Determination is used to calculate your weekly benefit amount and number of weeks you can receive benefits. Be sure to review this document carefully for any errors. If an amount is incorrect or if employer information from the last 18 months is missing, report it to the nearest local office or call 1-800-252-JOBS (5627) for assistance.
- Some people will receive a Deputy’s Decision
- No issue claim: If you have submitted your weekly certification, served the waiting week, and there’s no eligibility issue on the claim, your benefit payment should be deposited into your bank account or debit card within 72 hours of filing your first payable weekly certification.
- Disqualifying Issue on Claim: If you have submitted your weekly certification, served the waiting week, but there’s a disqualifying issue on the claim, you will not receive payment until a Deputy’s Decision has been made. After a decision is made, you will receive a Deputy’s Decision by mail. If this decision awards you benefits,payments will be issued within 72 hours of your first payable weekly certification. If the decision denies benefits and you disagree, you may file an appeal. Follow the instructions on the Deputy’s Decision and submit your appeal to the nearest local office by the date indicated on the decision.
Looking for Work
To maintain your eligibility for unemployment benefits, you are required to actively seek full-time work by completing four (4) work search activities each week. You must also document and retain proof of these activities and submit the documentation to WorkForce West Virginia upon request. To make this process easier, you can upload proof of your work search activities during each weekly certification. This proactive approach allows you to provide your proof immediately, reducing the burden of retaining it and preventing future requests from the agency for this information. Failure to complete the required work search activities or to provide adequate proof may result in the delay or denial of your unemployment benefits for that week. Acceptable work search activities and acceptable forms of proof are outlined in the Work Search Chart.
- Job Referrals and Suitable Work
WorkForce West Virginia may refer you to suitable job openings. You are required to apply for referred jobs within one (1) week of receiving the referral and accept any employment offer if made. Failure to apply for a referred job or to accept an offered position may result in a disqualification of benefits and a reduction in your total benefits. - Employer Reporting
Employers who receive referrals from WorkForce West Virginia must report any refusal of job offers by people receiving unemployment benefits. Employers are also required to report those who accept a job offer but leave or are dismissed within six (6) weeks of starting the position. - Exceptions
The following people are exempt from work search activities: law - Those summoned for jury duty
- Those in approved vocational training
- Members in good standing of a union hiring hall
- Those receiving Low Earnings Reports
- Those receiving Short-Time Compensation benefits
For more information, visit Completing My Work Search Activities. Need help logging work search activities? You can use WorkForce West Virginia’s Work Search Activity Log to track your activities.
- Get Job-Search Assistance
WorkForce West Virginia offers help with your job search! This includes job hunting tips, job referrals, and career exploration. Visit Find a Job for assistance.
Weekly Certifications
Once you have submitted your unemployment benefits applications, you must submit a weekly certification for every week you wish to receive benefits. A weekly claim covers the prior week, which is defined as Sunday through Saturday.You cannot complete a weekly certification until the week has ended. It is recommended that you file your certification on Sunday, but you may file through Friday by 5pm.
West Virginia Unemployment Compensation Law requires you to report all work and earnings, including tips and commissions, for each week (Sunday through Saturday). You must report all gross earnings, even if you have not yet received payment from your employer. For more information, visit Reporting My Earnings.
- Reopen Claim
If you have applied for unemployment benefits within the past 12 months but stopped filing your weekly certifications, you will need to reopen your claim. Do not submit a new initial claim application. To reopen your claim, click the button below and choose, “To file a new/additional Initial Unemployment Claim.” When prompted, answer “Yes” to the question, “Have you filed a claim with West Virginia in the last 12 months?”
Benefit Denials and Appeals
If you disagree with a decision about your unemployment benefits, you have the right to appeal. Follow the instructions provided on the appealable notice and submit your appeal to the nearest local office. Note that not all correspondence is appealable.
The Appeal Process

For more information on appeals, visit the Disqualification and Appeals page.