Federal Funding Disclosure

The Steven’s Amendment is a federal regulation that requires U.S. Department of Labor grant recipients to reveal the percentage of agency costs that are financed with federal funds, including the federal dollar and percentage amount, and the dollar and percentage amount financed by nongovernmental funds. This regulation was created with the intent to let taxpayers know how much money comes from federal sources in any program, project, or grant activity. For fiscal year 2023, WorkForce West Virginia is a direct recipient of the following program funds which are supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Labor.

WorkForce West Virginia: 2023 Fiscal Year Program Funds

Program Name$ Federal Funds
Grant Award
% Federal Funds Grant Award$ Outside Sources% Outside Sources
Wagner Peyser$5,738,373.00100%$00%
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)$119,000.00100%$00%
Foreign Labor Certification $62,958.00100%$00%
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)$504,280.00100%$00%
Reemployment Services & Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) $2,170,942.00 100%$00%
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) $28,721,686.00 100%$00%
Veterans (VETS) $1,034,564.00 100%$00%
Federal Bonding $69,692.00 100%$00%
Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce $3,254,249.00 100%$00%
Disaster Unemployment Administration $485,810.00 100%$00%
Unemployment Insurance Administration $11,994,706.00 100%$00%
Unemployment Insurance COVID Administration $11,773.00 100%$00%
Unemployment Insurance Fraud Integrity ARPA $869,000.00 100%$00%
Unemployment Insurance Fraud Tiger Team ARPA $1,491,750.00 100%$00%
Unemployment Insurance Fraud Modernization ARPA $11,250,000.00 100%$00%
Labor Statistics $738,970.00 91% $71,500.00 9%