Report Fraud for Individuals

To report fraud concerning unemployment benefits call 800-252-JOBS opt. #5 or email

Any misrepresentation of information regarding a claim for unemployment benefits could be fraud! The most common instances of fraud are purposely miscommunicating the reason for separation from an employer, not reporting employment, underreporting earnings during a benefit week, refusing to return to work, or working under the table. Federal and State Law provides for serious consequences for fraudulent cases including fines, confinement, and an inability to receive future unemployment benefits.

Employers can also commit fraud. If an employer is paying you under the table, it means they are not paying unemployment taxes on your income and you will be unable to use that income to establish a claim for unemployment. If you believe your employer is not accurately reporting your earnings to unemployment you should contact us.

If you suspect you are the victim of fraud or witness suspicious conduct in relation to someone receiving unemployment benefits, you should contact WorkForce West Virginia: